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HONDA Aircraft Manual PDF

Honda HA420 HondaJet Pilot Operating Manual PDF
Honda HA420 HondaJet Pilot Operating Manual PDF
Honda HA420 HondaJet Pilot Operating Man
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Honda Jet

History of HondaJet

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Honda Aircraft Company (headquartered in North Carolina, Greensboro, USA) ranked first in the world in sales in the light jet category in 2018, selling 37 units.


The firm holds the title for the second year in a row - 43 of these aircraft were sold in 2017.


Leadership in the market for light jet aircraft for business aviation belonged to a small number of manufacturers, and first of all, the American company Cessna.


Honda entered this market with no experience in airplane production, being a Japanese motorcycle and automobile manufacturer, and yet it suddenly became the best seller.

A special feature of the Honda Jet is its unique layout: its engines are located on top of the main wing. Business jet engines are usually attached to the fuselage.


Thanks to an idea that surpassed the conventional wisdom, the creators were able to successfully increase the flight speed, increase the range of non-stop flights, and reduce air resistance and fuel consumption.


In addition, the removal of the engines from the fuselage and the location above the wings made it possible to make the cabin of the aircraft more spacious, and at the same time to reduce the noise level transmitted to the cabin from the engines.